St Peter’s in Coughton, Warwickshire

There are occasions – even for a generally unholy lot like us – when it seems that only a church will do. For those times, our venerable institution of choice is the Parish Church of St Peter in Coughton, Warwickshire.

St Peter’s was where Roy’s sister Lyndsay wedded John Clemmow more than 30 years ago – both Lyndsay and her sister Cheryll had sung in its church choir – and it was there that our daughter, Wendy, was christened in 1980.

The base of this odd-looking font, which took its present form in the 13th century, is thought to be an 8th-century font turned upside-down; it also survived Wendys christening at the end of 1979
The base of this odd-looking font, which took its present form in the 13th century, is thought to be an 8th-century font turned upside-down; it also survived Wendys christening at the end of 1979

St Peter’s hosted Roy’s and my wedding blessing on a clear, cold winter’s day in 1996 (20 years ago next month!), and son Carl in turn married Carrie Grey at the same altar in July, 2009.

Hello’s – Round One

Round Two

Roy and I received our marriage blessing in St Peter's, Coughton, on 21 December 1996, after first tying the knot on 12 December at Gretna Green, over the Scottish border
Roy and I received our marriage blessing in St Peter’s, Coughton, on 21 December 1996, after first tying the knot on 12 December at Gretna Green, over the Scottish border. That’s son Carl doing the reading, and daughter Wendy on the left
A better photo of that stained-glass window - one of many provided for in the will of Sir Robert Throckmorton 1468-1518), the builder of St Petersss
A better photo of that stained-glass window – one of several provided for in the will of Sir Robert Throckmorton (1468-1518), the builder of St Peters in Coughton, Warwickshire

Round Three

Carrie Titchmarsh, bride


When Roy’s dad, Ken Titchmarsh, left this world in 1999, his funeral service was held at St Peter’s. And now, most sadly, we have just been back to celebrate the long, full and happy life of Roy’s mother, Leila, the much-loved matriarch of the Titchmarsh family who passed away peacefully on 11 November at the grand old age of 93.


When the day after Leila’s funeral turned bright and beautiful, Roy and I headed back to take a few photos. St Peter’s is in the grounds of Coughton Court, a National Trust property that was closed that day – something special about Fridays? – so, undeterred, we climbed over the gate.


St Peter's is next to the splendid Coughton Court, a National Trust property
St Peter’s is next to the splendid Coughton Court, a National Trust property
A pastoral flock of agni dei - lambs of God
And, finally, a pastoral flock of agni dei – lambs of God


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Verne Maree

Born and raised in Durban, South African Verne is a writer and editor. She and Roy met in Durban in 1992, got married four years later, and moved briefly to London in 2000 and then to Singapore a year later. After their 15 or 16 years on that amazing island, Roy retired in May 2016 from a long career in shipping. Now, instead of settling down and waiting to get old in just one place, we've devised a plan that includes exploring the waterways of France on our new boat, Karanja. And as Verne doesn't do winter, we'll spend the rest of the time between Singapore, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand - and whatever other interesting places beckon. Those round-the-world air-tickets look to be incredible value...

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